Weaving together the art and science of breathing to create a life worth breathing for.

Ten simple ways you can look after yourself right now.

Ten simple ways you can look after yourself right now.

Here are ten simple ways you can look after yourself right now. 

  1. Step away from the screen, go outside and just breathe in the fresh air 
  2. Hydrate your body with a big glass (or bottle!) of water 
  3. Stretch for 3 minutes – especially your psoas muscle (you can Google some great stretches for this!) 
  4. Make yourself a herbal tea or tonic with lots of Vitamin C 
  5. Write down 10 things you’re grateful for right now 
  6. Declutter and clean your desk/room/space  
  7. Be playful! Chuck on a great song and just dance and rock out for a few minutes – even if you look like a dag! 
  8. Give a mate or family member a phone call or send them a message, it’s so important to stay connected right now 
  9. Meditate for a few minutes, bring your attention to your environment and notice what’s around you – the sound of birds, sunlight on your skin, a warm breeze… 
  10. And of course, try a super simple breathing exercise like one of our three minute On The Go practices.

 Let me know which one you try and how you feel afterwards – you got this!

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