Weaving together the art and science of breathing to create a life worth breathing for.


Maintaining Your Health With Regular Breathing

Today we’re talking about maintenance. Like most, we used to put off the maintenance needed for things like our cars because we were so busy with our business and personal life. Now we make it a priority, because as long as we’re maintaining the car, it’ll last longer. It works the same way with our bodies.

Our own personal health – maintaining the ‘vehicle’ we walk around in – is key to ensuring you have the longevity and energy you need to get things done.

Creating regular maintenance that suits your lifestyle can be done through something simple, like logging in to the Virtual Breathing Space we’ve created to do a 30 minute breathing session.

The maintenance for your own personal health needs to be more than your average car though. It needs to be a daily occurrence. If you’re only doing it weekly, you might need to do it a little more, but weekly’s a good start.

You’ll find the more time and effort you put in to regularly maintaining your body, the better you’ll feel inside and the more it will show on the outside too. Put simply, you’ll perform better in all areas of your life, health, business, career and relationships.

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Follow the breathing protocols

We have developed different breathing protocols that make it easy for you to be able to keep up with the personal maintenance. Our breathing protocols are split up into once for energising, once for relaxing and once for meditating. We’ve found that covers the whole spectrum of our day.

I (Angie) would even venture to add in another one for transformation. Sometimes, you need to take the extra time to dig deep and shift a few big things, so the maintenance is a lot easier.

I find certain things will trigger it for me. For example, yesterday I went to our local organic shop to pick up our supplements, food and probiotics. When I got to the counter, the member of staff giggled and said, “every time you come up to the counter, you always take a big, deep breath”.

The simplest things can cause you to want to take a big breath, relax and let go, so you can enjoy the flow of the rest of the day.

Sighs of relief

Often, we make sighs of relief throughout the day. These can be triggered by lots of different things and are like mini holidays for your body.

For example, Shane recently started to get a sore throat. I (Angie) told him to just yawn into it. Sometimes when you yawn and you have a sore throat, it really stretches and is painful. But by yawning into it and pushing your swollen lymphatic glands, followed by a huge sigh of relief, it can really help to let go of the pain. After a few yawns, Shane started to notice relief in his glands.

The power of the breath is something that we use not in a parallel, or linear fashion. We choose to look at it in different ways and so begin to identify patterns.

With this, we’ve learned what we need to do in order to maintain our personal health and what kind of breathing is needed to fit with our bodies and our lifestyle.

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